世界古银杏之乡——贵州省盘州市月亮庄酒店金属项目耗时3个月终于完工 ,京丰源不锈钢有幸参与盘州市政府重点项目、东盟峰会指定接待酒店。






京丰源不锈钢有限公司,一家致力于成为不锈钢行业标杆的金属高端定制企业!jingfengyuan stainless steel co.,ltd., an enterprise committed to become the benchmark of the stainless steel industry based on the high-end customized metal!"诚信,严谨,匠心,高效”,是每一位京丰源人对待客户和产品的不懈追求,公司拥有业内顶尖设计团队和技师队伍,工艺技术精深,企业管理精细,成品制作精致,m6米乐app登录的售后服务精准,确保对客户诚心诚意,对产品尽善尽美,对品质精益求精。"sincerity, preciseness, ingenuity, and efficiency" is every jingfengyuan person unremitting pursuit of customers and products. the company owned the top design and technician teams of the industrial, which technology is advanced, enterprise management is fine, finished products are exquisite, and after-sales service is accurate. moreover, the company ensures sincerity to customers, ensures perfection of products, and ensures excellence of quality.从2004年至今,京丰源专注于不锈钢产品的自主创新,研发设计与加工安装,为国际国内星级酒店,高端会所,高端楼盘,高端别墅的整体金属产品提供专业服务,为景观艺术,陈设类金属雕塑,金属高端产品提供个性化定制服务,逐渐成长为集研发,设计,生产,销售,加工,制作与安装为一体的不锈钢金属引领和示范性企业。since 2004, jingfengyuan has focused on the independent innovation, research and development of design, and processing installation of stainless steel products. also, the company has provided professional services for international and domestic star hotels, high-end clubs, high-end real estate, overall metal products of high-end villa. moreover, jingfengyuan has provided personalized customization services for landscape art, finishing metal sculptures, and high-end metal products. finally, jingfengyuan has gradually grew into a leading and exemplary stainless steel enterprise collecting research and development, design, production, sales, processing, manufacturing and installation.如今,京丰源在北京,上海,深圳,固安,保定,郑州,武汉,泰州,昆明等地都设有分公司,产品销往全国各地以及东南亚国家。合作过“海底捞,喜来登酒店,俊发地产,中铁置业,缅甸九号公馆”等上百余家企业。用无数的案例验证了实力,让京丰源成为中国不锈钢定制行业的佼佼者。today, jingfengyuan has branches in beijing, shanghai, shenzhen, gu'an, zhengzhou, wuhan, taizhou, kunming and other places. with branches, the products are sold throughout the whole country and southeast asia countries. also, jingfengyuan cooperated with hundreds enterprises including haidlao, sheraton hotel, junfa real estate, china railway real estate, burma's no. 9 mansion. with countless cases to verify the strength, jingfengyuan let itself become a leader of stainless steel customization industry in china. “完美品质,经久不变”,京丰源不锈钢工艺制品,铸经典,流永恒,成就您的优质生活,期待与您合作!"perfect quality, long-lasting", the jingfengyuan stainless steel enterprise's productions cast classics, lasted eternally, and achieve your high quality life standards. we look forward to working with you for your cooperation sincerely!